A cropped image of the Super Vocal Health eBook

Herbs for the Voice and Throat

Hello fellow Voice Professionals and Fans of Superior Vocal Health around the world. I wanted to let you know that my new book will be coming out in January of 2013.


This book is a complete and concise guide to herbs, diet and supplements for the Voice Professional. I researched high and low to find what I felt were the best herbs for the voice and throat along with tons of power packed formulas for every issue the Voice Professional Deals with. In addition you will find lists of food and supplements that specifically focus on the voice and throat. And a section with fabulous answers to what to do when you get into a nasty situation vocally and still have to perform or speak.

See what Tony Harnell of the famous band TnT has to say about my book:

“Not only does David have an extraordinary voice and a remarkable life story, he cares about people and is dedicated to the natural approach to living, singing and healing. This is the kind of simple, thorough handbook, or bible if you will that all of us singers have been waiting for. I’ll be packing this in my tour bag from now on.”

Tony Harnell (critically acclaimed, award winning rock vocalist) www.tonyharnell.com

Below you may find an excerpt from the new book, a few herbs that are outstanding for the voice and throat, as well as a great formula from the extensive formula section for dealing with nasty sinus issues.


When used in tea form, Nettle will expel phlegm from the lungs and stomach, as well as clean out the urinary passages. It has been used for centuries as one of the standard herbs to deal with and heal asthma and other bronchial issues by cleansing and detoxifying the entire body of unwanted waste. Nettle is very high in potassium, iron, and silica, making it an excellent herb for overall body health and recovery when one has been sick for some time. According to some traditions, when fighting in the colder climates the Roman soldiers used Nettle leaves to keep their legs warm. Nettle can be used to battle allergies affecting the voice and throat. For an excellent remedy during allergy season and also to combat hay fever, mix two full droppers of Nettle liquid extract and 1/2 dropper of Echinacea in two ounces of juice. Drink three times a day for up to five days.


Jaborandi is an herb found in the Amazon forest. When translated it means “slobber weed” because of its amazing ability to increase salivation in large levels. Jaborandi is used for breaking up colds and is also effective for respiratory illnesses such as asthma. In addition, it has been used, but not tested clinically, for baldness by natives in the Amazon and to help alleviate the symptoms of glaucoma. For help with dry mouth issues, brew an ounce of fresh leaves in a pint of covered boiling water for 20 minutes. Take off heat and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain and drink warm or cold 10 minutes before singing or speaking.

Brigham Tea, Burdock, Cayenne, Garlic, Goldenseal, Marshmallow, Parsley

Brew up a strong cup of Brigham tea as instructed in the herbal section. After the tea is brewed, put in 1/2 dropper of each of the herbs. This formula is most effective when used in the morning because Brigham tea can stimulate the nervous system. Do not drink more than two cups a day and do not drink before sleeping.

You can still purchase our award winning all natural and organic formulas from Superiorvocalhealth.com.

As always, I wish you the best on your quest for Superior Vocal Health!
