Meet Dr. Sloan


A man in a suit and white shirt


Meet the Doctor who Endorses Superior Vocal Health and Recommends Our Full Product Line for his Patients, to Help them Achieve Optimum Health:
My name is David W. Sloan and I am happily married to my wife Erika. We have been blessed with three healthy and active sons and three beautiful grandchildren. I am thankful for my Christian faith, which continues to give me positive strength, hope and guidance in my personal and professional experience.
For many years now, I have been a firm believer in natural healing. Like many of the patients I see, I once suffered from many diverse health challenges and as a last resort, sought professional help from natural practitioners who could guide me in implementing diet, nutrition, herbal and other natural therapies. After detailed and extensive examinations, it was determined that my health had deteriorated so much that I was only given a few years to live. However, by the graciousness of God and radical changes to my diet and lifestyle along with natural therapies, I gratefully found the answers to the various problems that had been afflicting me. Now, almost 40 years later, I am very grateful to be alive and enjoy much more vitality and vigour than I did in my 20’s!
Thanking the Great Physician for leading me to know and benefit from what I consider to be the true way of healing, I have considered it a great privilege and honor to be able to share this precious knowledge with my patients. It has truly been gratifying to see many people undergo a remarkable and unbelievable transformation from poor health to vibrant wellbeing.
As a Doctor of Natural Medicine, I believe that providing the keys to vibrant health begins with the holistic approach. To obtain total health, we must regard the total person. This means not only the physical but the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our makeup as well. In this way, the underlying causes of poor health can be determined and a program designed to restore buoyant and vibrant health. By teaching my patients correct nutrition and living habits as well as recommending those steps necessary to cleanse the body and rebuild strength and vitality, it soon becomes apparent to the patient that he or she must learn to be responsible for his/her own health. Thus, disease prevention and preventative medicine can truly become a reality.
The areas that I specialize in are the therapeutic use of Herbs, Diet and Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy(BHRT) to aid the body in returning to optimal vibrant health and function. As a Doctor of Natural Medicine, my work has led me to assisting patients with a wide variety of health concerns including hormonal imbalances, weight-loss, fatigue and low energy, anxiety, depression, and anti-aging. Often as we correct these areas most other concerns just ‘disappear’.
When I began my practise some years ago (unlike today where this field is in a period of exciting growth), it became necessary for me to be pro-active in educating the public by providing lectures, seminars, keynote addresses and workshops. Over the years I have given countless speeches and presentations all over Ontario and Canada in order to break down the walls of ignorance and misunderstanding in my profession as well as provide valuable health information on a wide variety of topics in natural healing.


David Sloan has studied extensively in the areas listed below. The following is a summary of his credentials:


Began his practice in the living room of his apartment at which time he received a Master of Herbology degree from the Emerson College of Herbology. In the same year Emerson College awarded him a Fellowship for completing advanced study and training in Plant Botany, Natura Medica, Formulation, Botanic Medicine and Therapeutic Application.


Certified in Reflexology from the Reflexology Association of Canada. The art of Foot Reflexology fascinated David from very early on and it was one of the first courses he undertook to equip himself as a natural healer. He could write a sizeable book about the benefits and results Reflexology has been able to accomplish for his family and patients concerning many different types of health issues.


Certified in Colonic Irrigation by Dr. Wood, MD, ND of Chicago. Over the course of sixteen years, he performed at least 10,000 or more colonic irrigations until he closed up his Aylmer office in ’91 and his country clinic in 2001! He no longer provides this service but refers his patients out to other qualified Colon Therapists.


Graduated with a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Clinical Nutrition from Donsbach University School of Nutrition, California (school is no longer in operation).


Studied and received certification in Homeopathy from the Herbal and Wholistic Association of Canada (no longer in operation).


Awarded a Doctor of Nutritional Medicine (NMD) by the American Nutritional Medical Association (ANMA) from the John F. Kennedy College of Nutrimedical Arts and Sciences for completing requirements in five different modalities of nutritional medicine. Unfortunately, the ANMA is no longer active. As this degree was not recognized in Canada, he applied for and passed the requirements to practice as a Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner (RNCP). Along the way, he took several courses in Iridology and added that to his skills as a practitioner as well as numerous other educational courses in many other areas. For example, he studied Clinical Nutritional Urinalysis and Hair Analysis.


Received board certification from the Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners – North America as a Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM). Doctors of Natural Medicine are natural health practitioners who are trained in the basic medical sciences as well as in traditional medicine and tailor such treatments to the needs of the individual in a way that acknowledges the patient as a participant in the healing process.


Began to undertake extracurricular studies in BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy). Over the ensuing years, David has continued to study and attend courses in this most remarkable field. Both women and men have responded wonderfully to the correction of hormonal imbalances, so much so that BHRT has become an area of specialty in his practise. All prescriptions required for the bioidentical hormones are provided by our Nurse Practitioner on staff.


Completed all requirements to receive a Diploma of Homeopathic Medicine [HD(RHom.)] from NUPATH(National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths).


Certified Health Coach and Certified First Line Therapy Coach: These certifications have been of great value as we guide our dieters through our Ideal Protein weight loss program. Since 2010, in our 2 clinics combined, we have helped our dieters lose almost 46,000 lbs and counting!!


Took training in Low Level Laser Therapy(LLLT) and is a Certified Laser Therapist.